Privacy, streamlined.

At Horizon, we believe in privacy without compromising functionality. Our mission is to empower individuals with powerful tools that seamlessly integrate privacy.

Core Values

Privacy, always.

Privacy is at the core of Horizon. Unlike many competing products, we don't sell your data to profile you, nor do we use invasive third-party analytics. Wherever possible, we use end-to-end encryption to make sure your data is safe, both on and off your devices.


We believe in a sustainable future. That's why we're committed to using renewable energy for our servers where applicable. We limit our reliance on third-parties in attempt to keep our carbon footprint low, when possible.


We're always looking for new approaches to privacy and ways to improve our existing services. Feature updates are frequent, and in each we strive to improve the user experience.


Features Basic Everest
Horizon Pics
Storage 500 MB 500 GB
Server-Side Encryption
Alpine Desktop App
Social Embeds
Public Domains
Link Shortener
Private Domains
Lossless Image Uploads
Horizon Bio
Profile Customization
Animated Avatars
Animated Backgrounds
Larger Upload Limits
Up to 5 Backgrounds
Background Randomization
Everest Color Scheme
Horizon Mail
Storage 1 GB 1 GB
Always-On Inbox Protection
Unlimited Custom Aliases
Everest Dashboard Theme
Horizon Send
Upload Limit 2 GB 10 GB
File Lifespan Up to 7 Days Up to 30 Days
Seamless End-to-end Encryption
Set Max Downloads